Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So we're off. It's 8 AM and we venture out into the bustling streets of Bangalore. I can't quite describe the amount of sensory triggers I experienced but I can at least say I had begun to grow accustomed to the smell. Whether this is a good or bad thing I can't really say.

Fresh coconut milk, not my drink of choice. 
Especially after Matt reminded me of Castaway and Tom Hanks describing it as a "natural laxative".

The traffic system here is insane, concerning both cars and people. Firstly, most of the time there is something or someone moving in every inch of space. Secondly, the roads are just big lanes of criss-crossing vehicles and everyone uses their horn every few feet. Early in the morning the crowds weren't that bad but as the day progressed the congestion was increasingly astounding. 

Our first rickshaw ride was terrifying, and every one after it as well. The breeze and openness is really nice, you can see everything around you--including all the nearly fatal collisions you're about to experience.
I wore this scarf because of the sun and also so I wouldn't offend anyone by exposing the skin on my shoulders. How tantalizing. 

The price of everything is crazy. Our hotel room is $5 each, our meals were around $1, a rickshaw ride across town was like $3, the clothing that I saw on the streets was $4 or less.

Really all I have to talk about is the rickshaws. The last driver we had was the worst, but also maybe the best. His rickshaw could barely make it up hills and the whole time he had no idea where he was going and kept yelling at passing rickshaws to ask for directions. He would swerve back and forth for no reason and also I'm fairly sure he adjusted his rearview mirror so that he could stare at me. Everyone here stares at you, especially men and kids.

I thought "cancer" was a crab....
We went to a nice garden which, as Luther put it, is where guys take their girlfriends to almost kiss. Luther practiced his juggling and attracted a small crowd.

A whole family on a motorcycle, including the cutest lil baby.
We got home around 3 and now slept till 10pm. Whoops. I'm just thankful that I was able to eat food that didn't set my mouth on fire and have yet to get sick. Luther left to go meet Andy, Kyle and Joe at the airport so Matt and I are going to watch Jackie Chan movies on HBO until we're able to sleep again.


  1. i hope you watched Red Condor and the spy next door! <3

  2. Get some more rickshaw vids. See if the driver will let you climb on top or hang off the side.
