Sunday, January 23, 2011

Matt attack stuff

Here we are in India.  We have a couple weeks left and then S. Korea.  Ummm...not much is happening.  Just living the life so to speak.  It's nice and our difficulties have pitter pattered out into redundancies so nothing new to get us down.  I keep getting sun burnt on my hands and feet.  I have the idea that it's from the anti-malaria pills I'm taking (They ward off infections on the skin but also weaken the skin. I dont' get it.) but it makes the beach a bit tricky.  Also, I've been running around without shoes on and now my feet hurt a bunch!  So there you have it, a list of my complaints. We move to Mumbai in six or five days and that will be exciting so We'll post some pics that don't look like honey mooners in Hawaii.  In fact, how do you know we're not in Hawaii?  Ha ha, suckers.

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